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Town Planner Branding Display ads mean your message is Seen!


Could your business or organization benefit from the constant exposure in local area homes that the Town Planner print calendar, website. mobile app and weekly email newsletter provides?


Consider the benefit of participating on a print calendar that is not only hanging up in local area homes, but being used as family members  write their own appointments on the calendar, check local school schedules and events, and clip coupons from local area businesses. And our digital complement further expands your brand and message with your ad and links to your  website or social media account prominently displayed.  


And we can generate reports by zip code showing you  how many unique visitors and how many views your ad received!


Is your business or organization looking for “goodwill” or sponsorship initiatives that not only demonstrates your commitment to the community, but provide a service that the community truly appreciates?

The Town Planner is used and appreciated by its’ recipients. The community understands (and we reinforce the message) that the calendar and website are made possible by the  participation of local area businesses and organizations that care enough to make the Town Planner and possible!  This goodwill marketing is very impactful!


Consider the value of “Being on Display Every day”

Not seconds that a newspaper is open, or a radio or TV commercial, or a quick view of a billboard, but your message on display  for the entire family to see everyday.

And consider how your ad being on display in your local households makes it easy for folks to do business with you.  No longer running to the phone book, (does anyone even use this anymore?)  where all of your competition is located, or to the computer to look for your contact message….it is hanging right there on your customer’s, and potential customer’s kitchen wall along with your message!


And we raised the bar…

Not only a great print media that delivers results, but  we also have a useful events website that your community uses everyday to find events, post and share events and print coupons.  And your message is also on the site and you can also add any events, or promotions that your organizations has, or is involved.

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